- Admissions to the Executive MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Admissions to the MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Admission to the MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Advisory Board
- Ambassadors
- Application to the Executive MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Beispiel-Seite
- Bettina Stark-Watzinger will be the parton of the first cohort of the Young Professional MBA at GSB
- CHE University Ranking in Law and Economics: Excellent rankings for JGU in various areas
- Contact
- Cooperation partners
- Course program 20th Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Course program 21st Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Course program 22nd Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Course program 23rd Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Course program 24th Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Course program 25th Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Course program 25th Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Course Program MBA 2023-2025
- Course Program MBA 2024-2026
- Course Program MBA 2025-2027
- Course Program YP MBA 2021-2023
- Course Program YP MBA 2022-2024
- Elective module: Digitalization
- Elective module: Health Management
- Elective module: International Management
- Elective module: Law
- Elective modules of the GSB Mainz Executive MBA program
- Examination Board
- Examination dates 2. Young Professional MBA cohort at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates 3. MBA cohort at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates 4. MBA cohort at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates 5. MBA cohort at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates 20th Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates 21st Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates 22st Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates 23rd Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates 24th Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates 25th Executive MBA academic year at GSB Mainz
- Examination dates Young Professional MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Executive MBA program at GSB Mainz
- FIBAA recognizes Executive MBA and MBA programs at the Gutenberg School of Business
- FIBAA transmits premium seal to the Executive MBA program and the MBA program of the Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB)
- Fireside chats
- Fireside chats
- Fireside chats 20th Executive MBA academic year
- Fireside chats 21th Executive MBA academic year
- Fireside chats Executive MBA
- Fireside guests Executive MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Graduated classes Executive MBA program at GSB Mainz
- GSB Mainz Office
- GSB starts the New Year with a traditional New Year's reception
- Gutenberg School of Business Mainz
- Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB Mainz)
- Gutenberg School of Business Mainz established at Johannes Gutenberg University
- Joachim Gauck, Bundespräsident a.D., gratuliert den Absolventinnen und Absolventen des 19. Executive MBA-Studienjahrgangs
- Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Kamingespräche 21. EMBA-Jahrgang
- Kick-off event for the GSB anniversary year: Digital time travel through 20 years of Executive MBA at the University of Mainz.
- Lecturer of the MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Lecturers Executive MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Lecturers GSB Mainz
- Master's thesis
- Master's thesis
- MBA Alumni Mainz e.V.
- MBA Alumni Mainz e.V. Management Board
- MBA Alumni Mainz e.V. Membership
- MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Module 1 - 4
- Module 1: Leadership
- Module 1: Strategy
- Module 2: Corporate Management
- Module 2: Finance and Accounting
- Module 3: Operations
- Module 4: Leadership
- Module 5 - 8
- Module 5: Corporate Management
- News & Events
- News Archiv EMBA
- Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
- Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
- Norwegian School of Economics - Bergen
- Opening Week
- Opening Week MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Outstanding Results in MBA Program Evaluation: Students Highly Recommend and Report Positive Career Impact
- Participant profile of the Executive MBA program at GSB Mainz:
- Partner Companies
- Partner Universities
- Partner universities of the MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Patrons
- Profile of the Executive MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Profile of the MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Schedule of the MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Scientific Work and Scientific Methods
- Sitemap
- Study Project
- Study visits of the Executive MBA program at international partner universities
- Study visit to the University of Adelaide
- Study week abroad at the Tongji University of Shanghai, China
- Study week abroad at the University of Adelaide, Australia
- Study week abroad at University of Tongji, Shanghai (China)
- Study week abroad at Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)
- Study week abroad at Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)
- Suche
- Teaching and academic assesment of the MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Teaching and academic assessment
- The history of GSB Mainz
- The University of Adelaide
- The University of Texas at Austin
- Tongji University, Shanghai
- Tuition fee Executive MBA program at GSB Mainz
- Tuition fee MBA at GSB Mainz