News & Events

Jul 07, 2024: GSB community: Really good with a lot of experience and always beautiful and valuable: Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB Mainz) in exchange with its alumni

GSB has been offering part-time training very successfully for many years. A key quality feature is that the MBA programs are always practice-relevant and are geared to the actual needs of their addressees. To this end, the management of GSB is in continuous exchange with its practice partners and in particular with its alumni. Read more...

Apr 22, 2024: Study week abroad at University of Tongji, Shanghai (China)

Last week, our Executive MBA students and Alumni had the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the vibrant business culture of China during our Study Week at Tongji University in Shanghai. Under the overarching theme "Understanding China," our students were provided with a solid theoretical foundation through lectures delivered by distinguished professors and executive alumni from Tongji University. Read more...

Jan 22, 2024: GSB starts the New Year with a traditional New Year's reception

GSB Mainz traditionally started this year with its festive New Year's reception. Those responsible were pleased that the winter weather did not deter the members of the GSB and that over 250 guests from all 22 previous study years of the Executive MBA course as well as the previous three study years of the MBA course, the fourth year starting in March and Lecturers from both courses and members of the GSB advisory board accepted the invitation to the Gaul's event location in Mainz Laubenheim. Read more...

Jan 09, 2024: FIBAA transmits premium seal to the Executive MBA program and the MBA program of the Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB)

Following the award of the FIBAA Premium Seal to the two GSB degree programs as part of the latest accreditation process by FIBAA, the Vice President for Studies and Teaching at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Professor Stephan Jolie, together with the two Academic Directors of the Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB), Professor Andrej Gill and Professor Franz Rothlauf, as well as Managing Director Dr. Stefanie Klossok, accepted the premium seals. Read more...

Sept. 20, 2023: FIBAA recognizes Executive MBA and MBA programs at the Gutenberg school of business

The most important german accreditation agency FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) has awarded both the Executive MBA course and the MBA course of the Gutenberg School of Business (GSB) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz with the coveted premium seal. This award recognizes the outstanding quality and international excellence of the programs offered. Read more...

May 09, 2023: CHE University Ranking in Law and Economics: Excellent rankings for JGU in various areas

Law and economics do particularly well in the area of study organization / JGU also achieves very good results in other indicators in the area of studies.

The law and economics departments at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have achieved excellent rankings in various areas in the current CHE University Ranking, which was published today in the new ZEIT Study Guide 2023/24. Read more...

Mar. 23, 2023: GSB welcomes next Young Professional MBA cohort

We are proud to announce, that Bettina Stark-Watzinger, Member of the Bundestag and
Federal Minister of Education and Research, will be the patron of the first cohort of the Young Professional MBA of Gutenberg School of Business Mainz. Thank you for your support. Read more...

Mar. 13, 2023: GSB welcomes next Young Professional MBA cohort

The Gutenberg School of Business welcomes the 3rd cohort of the Young Professional MBA. The seventeen participants start their studies with a welcome week which prepares them for the courses taught at GSB and also serves as the first get-together with all the other students.
After the first-course Business Model Analysis with Dr. Yann Girard, the participants were invited to a welcome dinner with our managing director Dr. Stefanie Klossok and our academic director Prof. Andrej Gill.

Apr. 29, 2022: GSB Mainz invites to big Spring Event

After the many event cancellations of the past two years, GSB Mainz invited its members to a big Spring Event at Gaul`s in Laubenheim last Friday evening. The invitation was accepted by graduates and students from all 22 cohorts of the Executive MBA program as well as the two currently studying classes of the Young Professional MBA, which was founded last year. The two academic co-directors of GSB Mainz, Professor Franz Rothlauf and Professor Andrej Gill, welcomed more than 200 guests in the courtyard of the event location. Read more...

Apr. 29, 2022: GSB Best Teaching Award for 2021 presented

Every year, the Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB) presents the GSB Best Teaching Award for the best teaching performance in its study formats. The award is given to the lecturers whose courses received the best overall evaluations by the participants in the previous year. For the year 2021, the two professors Torsten Wulf for his course "Strategic Management" and Professor Andreas Hack for the course "Entrepreneurship", who have been teaching in the GSB's Executive MBA program for many years, received the teaching award. Professor Guido Friebel, who taught the course "Leadership in Teams" for the first time last fall, can also be pleased about the award. Read more...

Mar. 28, 2022: 2nd YP MBA class starts at GSB Mainz

On Monday, March 28, the 2nd cohort of the Young Professional MBA program started their studies with the Opening Week. The academic co-director of GSB Mainz, Professor Andrej Gill warmly welcomed the participants in the Dekanatssaal and quickly handed over the moderation to Dr. Yann Girard of Oxford Economics, who led the two-day kick-off event. The Opening Week, which participants spend together at the university from Monday to Friday working with each other, is primarily about getting to know each other. Read more...

Nov. 12, 2021: GSB welcomes EMBA alumni Hannes Müller (Lufthansa Consulting GmbH) as guest for fireside chat

The GSB Mainz team had not expected such a big response: Around 60 participants registered for the first GSB Mainz fireside chat since February 2020 with Hannes Müller (Lufthansa Consulting GmbH) on Friday, November 12, 2021. Read more...

Sept. 13, 2021: GSB Mainz welcomes the 22 participants of the 22nd EMBA study year

The 22nd study year started this Monday the EMBA course program at GSB Mainz with the Opening Week. In beautiful weather, the 22 students of the new academic year were welcomed on the terrace of the Dekanatssaal. At the end of the first-course day, , the participants were invited to a welcome dinner at the Kupferbergterrassen in Mainz. Read more...

Sept. 3, 2021: Festive farewell to the 20th Executive MBA anniversary graduate class of GSB

In this particular year, the graduates of the 20th Executive MBA anniversary class gathered on September 3 in their gowns and caps on the great stone staircase in front of the old canteen building of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) for their joint valedictory photo. Read more...

Aug. 27, 2021: 20 years of the Executive MBA at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz – GSB celebrates a major anniversary

In 2021 it was 20 years ago that the first Executive MBA class was launched at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and to date, nearly 500 students have successfully acquired their MBA degrees here. Since the coronavirus pandemic has prevented any larger GSB events from taking place for over a year now, the management was all the more pleased to be able to welcome GSB members to the summer anniversary celebration at Gauls in Mainz-Laubenheim on Friday, August 27. Read more...

Jun. 21, 2021: Social Event for the GSB anniversary year: Digital time travel through 20 years of Executive MBA at the University of Mainz

This year, the Executive MBA program at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz celebrates its 20th anniversary. To kick off the anniversary year 2021, GSB Mainz invited together with Alumni MBA Mainz e.V. all GSB members last Friday, June 18, 2021, to a digital time journey through 20 years of EMBA at the University of Mainz under the title: "From Overhead Projector to MS Teams - 20 Years of Executive MBA at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz". Read more...

March 16, 2021: GSB starts with the new YP MBA

On Monday, March 15, the new Young Professional MBA study program started at GSB Mainz. Due to the current pandemic-related closure of the university, the start of the program for the 13 international participants of the first cohort took place remotely. Read more...

January 21, 2021: Professor Franz Rothlauf im WirtschaftsWoche-Ranking ausgezeichnet

Im aktuellen Ranking der WirtschaftsWoche erreicht Professor Franz Rothlauf Platz 156 im „Lebenswerk-Ranking“ der forschungsstärksten Bertriebswirtschaftler/innen. Mit Professor Frank Huber auf Platz 195 ist ein weiterer Dozent der GSB in demselben Ranking vertreten. Lesen Sie mehr...

January 01, 2021: Lehrpreis 2020 für herausragende Lehrleistungen der GSB Mainz

Das vergangene Jahr stellte für alle eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Dennoch ist es geglückt, das Lehrangebot an der GSB Mainz ohne Einschränkungen des Kursprogrammes durchzuführen und die Kurse auf exzellentem akademischen Niveau anzubieten. Dies zeigt sich auch in den hervorragenden Beurteilungen der mit dem Lehrpreis 2020 der GSB für herausragende Lehrleistungen ausgezeichneten Dozenten: Aus den Gesamtnoten für die einzelnen Kurse gingen für 2020 Dr. Moritz Hämmerle (Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO), Dominik Maier (Orange Hills GmbH) sowie Professor Daniel Schunk (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) als Lehrpreisträger hervor. Lesen Sie mehr...

September 15, 2020: The establishment and development of the Gutenberg School of Business Mainz at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

GSB Gutenberg School of Business
By setting up the Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB Mainz) in September 2020, the Faculty of Law, Management and Economics at Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) is consolidating its previous activities in the field of extra-occupational management and business further education and bringing the successful achievements of the Mainz EMBA program under a single roof. Read more...

September 04, 2020: Joachim Gauck, Bundespräsident a.D., gratuliert den Absolventinnen und Absolventen des 19. Executive MBA-Studienjahrgangs

Auch, wenn in diesem Jahr vieles anders ist, stellten sich wie in jedem Jahr am ersten Freitag im September die Absolventinnen und Absolventen des 19. Executive MBA-Studienjahrgangs traditionell in Caps und Gowns auf den Stufen vor der Alten Mensa bei strahlendem Wetter zum Gruppenfoto auf. In kleinerem, dennoch feierlichem Rahmen erfolgte dann die Verleihung der Zeugnisse Lesen Sie mehr...

May 07, 2020: Spitzenergebnis der Wirtschaftswissenschaften der JGU im CHE Hochschulranking 2020

Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften der JGU erzielen erneut eine Topplatzierung im aktuellen CHE Hochschulranking, das diese Woche im ZEIT Studienführer 2020/2021 veröffentlicht wurde. Das Ranking bestätigt den Mainzer Wirtschaftswissenschaften in vielen Bereichen eine hervorragende, im breiten nationalen Vergleich überdurchschnittlich gute Qualität. Lesen Sie mehr...

February 28, 2020: Dr. Falko Hagebölling (Miles & More GmbH) im Executive MBA-Studiengang zu Gast zum Kamingespräch

Zum Abschluss des aktuellen Studienjahres findet diesen Freitag, den 28. Februar 2020 noch einmal ein Kamingespräch im Executive MBA-Studiengang statt: Kamingast ist dieses Mal Dr. Falko Hagebölling in seiner Funktion als Head of Product Development & IT der Miles & More GmbH. Lesen Sie mehr...

February 14, 2020: Deutschlandchefin von Boehringer Ingelheim empfängt den 19. Executive MBA-Studienjahrgang zum Kamingespräch

Am Freitag, den 14. Februar 2020 ist der 19. Studienjahrgang des Executive MBA-Studiengangs der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz zum Kamingespräch zu Gast bei Boehringer Ingelheim. „Kamingast“ und zugleich Gastgeberin ist Dr. Sabine Nikolaus, Country Managing Director Germany der Boehringer Ingelheim Deutschland GmbH. Lesen Sie mehr...

January 17, 2020: EMBA Mainz vergibt Lehrpreis 2019 für herausragende Lehrleistungen im Rahmen des traditionellen Neujahrsempfangs

Bereits zum fünften Mal vergibt der Executive MBA-Studiengang den Lehrpreis für herausragende Lehrleistungen im Rahmen des Studienprogramms. Im Rahmen des feierlichen Ambientes des traditionellen Neujahrsempfangs am 17. Januar wurden die fünf Preisträger für das Jahr 2019 verkündet. Lesen Sie mehr...

January 17, 2020: Mehr als 200 Angehörige läuten gemeinsam beim traditionellen Neujahrsempfang das neue Jahr ein

Mit seiner 19. Auflage ist der Neujahrsempfang zu Beginn des neuen Jahres mittlerweile zu einer festen Tradition geworden. So kamen auch am Freitag den 17. Januar wieder mehr als 200 Angehörige von EMBA Mainz bei Gaul’s in Mainz-Laubenheim zum Jahresauftakt zusammen. Lesen Sie mehr...

08.11.2019: Bischof Peter Kohlgraf zu Gast zum Kamingespräch

Diesen Freitag, den 8. November begrüßt der Executive MBA-Studiengang den Mainzer Bischof Peter Kohlgraf zum Kamingespräch an der Universität Mainz. Bischof Kohlgraf steht dem Bistum Mainz seit dem 27. August 2017 vor und ist zum ersten Mal Kamingast. Lesen Sie mehr...

16.09.2018: EMBA Mainz heißt seinen 20. Studienjahrgang herzlich willkommen

Im Rahmen mehrerer propädeutischer Kurse geht es in den kommenden fünf Tagen für die 28 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer in erster Linie darum, sich persönlich kennenzulernen.

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13.09.2019: Professor Andrej Gill ergänzt die Studiengangsleitung

Zu Beginn des neuen Executive MBA-Studienjahres am 16. September 2019 gibt es auch eine Veränderung in der Leitung des Executive MBA Studiengangs der JGU Mainz. Herr Professor Dr. Andrej Gill wird zur Leitung hinzustoßen und gemeinschaftlich mit Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf die Funktion des akademischen Direktors des Programms übernehmen. Lesen Sie mehr...