Longer-term corporate success depends on the efficient organization and adept management of internal processes. In addition, executives need to know and understand the interrelationships between entrepreneurial activities and market conditions in order to lead their organization to success. The courses of the second module deal with these processes and organizational structures and provide insight into the integration of entrepreneurial activities into the wider economy.
4. Coporate Social and Environmental Responsibility
The principles of corporate social responsibility require ethical and responsible interaction with all stakeholders of a company or institution. The overarching goal of social responsibility is to ensure that the effects that corporate activities have on the outside world are taken into account during decision-making processes. Participants in this module will learn about the impact of concrete actions on stakeholders both inside and outside an organization and how this impact can be accommodated within the activities of sustainable corporate management.
Dr. Jenni Sipilä, LUT University (Finnland)
5. Risk Management
For the purposes of this course, risk management will be seen in terms of a systematic process of working towards maintaining the multidimensional equilibrium of organizations. Required in this context are the generation of a suitable balance between risk potential and risk coverage, the creation of an equipoise between growth, financial structure and profitability, securing the ratio of opportunities versus risks within realistic proportions and the assumption of a suitable approach to the use of risk capital and interest options. Participants will be made familiar with the concepts and processes of risk minimization for the purposes of achieving overall equilibrium.
Prof. Dr. Michael Lister, Steinbeis University Berlin
6. Managerial Economics
Participants in this course will acquire the microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge required to effectively manage a business in different markets. The focus will be on understanding how different markets are structured and function, what role the government plays in market economies, and the interaction of business, markets and government in economic processes.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Schunk, JGU Mainz