In the first module, we will be orienting our approach on the understanding of leadership inherent to the Mainz EMBA: Successful management is seen as synonymous with successful leadership, while good leadership is an attitude that is based on sound insight and judgment and the willingness to accept responsibility. Corporate leadership is directed both internally and externally and must seek to align economic objectives with ethical standards. In this context, particular attention must also be paid to the responsible treatment of employees.
1. Personality and Leadership
People are different - they differ in their competencies but also in their motivation and interests. This applies to both managers and the employees they manage. The course gives an insight into theories and findings of personality psychology and applies the concepts to the field of personnel management. Leadership is seen as actively influencing the goals of an organization. The essential means of leadership is communication and model behavior.
Prof. Dr. Astrid Schütz, University of Bamberg
2. Leading Teams
For many, teamwork is the essence of every modern enterprise. In a world where complementary skills are critical to business success, and many companies are looking to become more agile, traditional workplace organizations are in need of revision. In particular, highly fragmented company structures where individuals feel less accountable for their unit’s ultimate success and more accountable for their narrowly defined tasks will soon be obsolete in most environments. The management of workflow at the team level requires a thorough consideration of the sources of motivation and coordination within the relevant teams. This module provides an introduction to current trends in team organization, insights into the sources of motivation, conflict and collaboration in teams and looks at examples of leading businesses that use teams as a basic principle for organizing their workplaces.
Prof Dr. Guido Friebel, University of Frankfurt
3. Human Resources Management
In this course, we will deal with strategies, processes and measures that will incite employees to achieve a company’s goals while ensuring they are satisfied in their current positions. Following an overview of theories and concepts relating to personnel psychology, we will look at aspects of HR marketing, personnel selection, personnel assessment and employee motivation.
Prof. Dr. Simone Kauffeld, TU Braunschweig