Claudia Behlendorf Actress, trainer for presentation and applied improvisation |
Nicolas Bertholet Acting-Ensemble Member, Speaker (ARTE and SR) and Coach Goethe University Frankfurt |
Claudia Eisinger Professional Coach and Trainer at isfm |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Eufinger Assistenzprofessor am Fachbereich Finanzmanagement der IESE Business School| University of Navarra |
Prof. Dr. Christoph M. Flath Chair of Business Informatics and Business Analytics, Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg |
Dr. Yann Girard Economic Consulting Director, Oxford Economics |
Dr. Axel Haus Senior Manager - Business Development & Third Party Partnerships, Santander Asset Management Germany |
Dr. Daniel Herbold Head of Compensation and Benefits, Heidelberg Materials |
Prof. Dr. Florian Hett Professor of Digital Economics Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Email | Website |
Dr. Martin Huschens Professor Business Informatics University of Applied Sciences Mainz |
Dr. Josef Korte Founder of bonify |
Dr. Pam Kowalski Leadership & Team Trainer, Friedrichsdorf Email | Website |
Katja Müller Leadership & Team Trainer, Sound System GbR, Heidelberg Email | Website |
Prof. Dr. Jella Pfeiffer Chair of Informations Systems I, University of Stuttgart |
Dr. Alexander Sajnovits Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Dr. Felix Schmidt Senior Economist Berenberg |
Dr. Jakob Schwab Economist and Research Fellow in the Research Program "Transformation of Economic and Social Systems" at the German Development Institute (DIE) |
Nikolai Stein Postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Information Systems and Business Analytics / Chair of Logistics and Quantitative Methods in Business Administration, Würzburg University |
Prof. Dr. Oscar A. Stolper Junior professor Accounting & Finance Philipps University Marburg Email | Website |
Dr. Tobias Waldenmaier Manager & Project Lead Digital Accelerator at Mercedes Benz Management Consulting |