Admission to the MBA program at GSB Mainz

Individuals wishing to be admitted to the MBA program are required to submit their applications in advance.
In addition to submission of the completed application form, applicants should also provide:
  • a summary of their academic and professional background
  • A copy of their institute of higher education diploma
  • Evidence of proficiency in the English language; this can provided in the form of proof of at least five years study of the language at school with a final grade of “sufficient” or 5 points, or alternatively a “Test of English as a Foreign Language” (TOEFL IBT) certificate with a score of at least 87, or alternatively a “B2: First Certificate in English” Cambridge certificate
  • also, if applicable, a letter of recommendation provided by the employer.

The letter of recommendation should also provide information on any financial and time-related support provided by the employer to the applicant.

Admission procedure

After a review of the application documents, candidates who meet the formal admission requirements will be invited to an interview. The interview, lasting approximately one hour, will be primarily focused on determining whether the applicant has the necessary professional, personal, integrative and intellectual skills to successfully complete the degree course. A transcript of the interview will be prepared. Following the admissions interview, applicants will receive direct notification whether they have been admitted to the degree course, together with an explanation of the reason for the decision.

Application deadline

The application deadline for admission to the MBA degree course for the summer semester of 2025 ends on January 31, 2025.

Please address inquiries either to

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrej Gill or
Dr. Stefanie Klossok
Telephone: +49 6131 39 - 22136



If the applicant is suitable and the interview is positive, admission will be granted directly after the interview. Since places are usually limited to 30, we recommend that all interested parties apply early to ensure that there are still places available in the program.


Probational Participation

To give you an impression of our program, we are happy to offer you the opportunity to participate in one of our courses on a trial basis. Participation is non-binding and free of charge. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.

Please address inquiries either to:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrej Gill oder
Dr. Stefanie Klossok
Telephone: +49 6131 39 - 22136



Information and Brochure

Would you like to receive a brochure with the current course's purposes and contents? Then write us an email to or just download it here.