
GSB community: Really good with a lot of experience and always beautiful and valuable

Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB Mainz) in exchange with its alumni

GSB has been offering part-time training very successfully for many years. A key quality feature is that the MBA programs are always practice-relevant and are geared to the actual needs of their addressees. To this end, the management of GSB is in continuous exchange with its practice partners and in particular with its alumni.

For example, the Managing Director of GSB, Dr. Stefanie Klossok, met with the active members of MBA Alumni Mainz e.V. this week to discuss the current challenges in management education.In addition to the professional dialogue, the convivial part of the Gutenberg spirit was not neglected in the rustic atmosphere of the Gutsschänke Haub in Bodenheim.

A big thank you to you, Susanne Burmeister, Stefan Rathjen, Jeremias Köstner and Torsten Rinck for your valuable support, the good input and the great time!
All other active students and alumni of GSB are cordially invited to continue to actively participate in shaping GSB Mainz. We look forward to your feedback!


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GSB welcomes next Young Professional MBA cohort

The Gutenberg School of Business welcomes the 3rd cohort of the Young Professional MBA. The seventeen participants start their studies with a welcome week which prepares them for the courses taught at GSB and also serves as the first get-together with all the other students. After the first-course Business Model Analysis with Dr. Yann Girard, the participants were invited to a welcome dinner with our managing director Dr. Stefanie Klossok and our academic director Prof. Andrej Gill.

During the joint dinner, Prof. Gill put the cohort in the right mood for the upcoming studies: "You can expect various courses and case studies with practically relevant content, we will prepare you for your management career, expand basic theoretical knowledge and combine it with practically applicable knowledge. This will prepare you for challenges in international companies. Besides all the knowledge you will acquire, you will definitely benefit from the team cohesion within the cohort and the contacts you will make here."

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GSB Best Teaching Award for 2021 presented

Every year, the Gutenberg School of Business Mainz (GSB) presents the GSB Best Teaching Award for the best teaching performance in its study formats. The award is given to the lecturers whose courses received the best overall evaluations by the participants in the previous year. For the year 2021, the two professors Torsten Wulf for his course "Strategic Management" and Professor Andreas Hack for the course "Entrepreneurship", who have been teaching in the GSB's Executive MBA program for many years, received the teaching award. Professor Guido Friebel, who taught the course "Leadership in Teams" for the first time last fall, can also be pleased about the award.  The teaching awards were presented at the GSB Spring Event by the two academic co-directors of GSB Mainz, Professor Franz Rothlauf and Professor Andrej Gill. The two congratulated the award winners and thanked them for their excellent cooperation. In addition to a certificate, the teaching award comes with the Mainz typical wine gift.

GSB Mainz invites to big Spring Event

After the many event cancellations of the past two years, GSB Mainz invited its members to a big Spring Event at Gaul`s in Laubenheim last Friday evening. The invitation was accepted by graduates and students from all 22 cohorts of the Executive MBA program as well as the two currently studying classes of the Young Professional MBA, which was founded last year. The two academic co-directors of GSB Mainz, Professor Franz Rothlauf and Professor Andrej Gill, welcomed more than 200 guests in the courtyard of the event location. The festive setting also provided the perfect stage for the presentation of this year's best teaching award for excellent teaching at the Gutenberg School of Business. The best teaching award recognizes the best teaching performance from the previous year, based on the results of participant evaluations of each course. This year, Professor Torsten Wulf, Professor Guido Friebel, and Professor Andreas Hack were pleased to receive the award. Professor Rothlauf and Professor Gill congratulated the award winners and thanked them for their excellent cooperation. With a delicious barbecue buffet and a relaxed atmosphere, the members of the GSB were happy about the reunion and used the opportunity for stimulating conversations.

GSB welcomes EMBA alumni Hannes Müller (Lufthansa Consulting GmbH) as guest for fireside chat

The GSB Mainz team had not expected such a big response: Around 60 participants registered for the first GSB Mainz fireside chat since February 2020 with Hannes Müller (Lufthansa Consulting GmbH) on Friday, November 12, 2021. After 20 years in various positions within the Lufthansa Group, he has been Managing Director of Lufthansa Consulting GmbH since May 2020. As a fireside guest, he also brings a close connection to GSB Mainz. He is a graduate of the 15th Executive MBA class and successfully completed his MBA degree at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in 2017. At the fireside chat in the university's Alte Mensa, Müller spoke with participants about the general challenges of the aviation industry, personal development and perception of one's own personality as a "brand," and leadership challenges in an international company that has been particularly hard hit by the Corona pandemic.

In addition to the two currently studying 21st and 22nd EMBA cohorts, the participants of the first Young Professional MBA cohort as well as the ambassadors of GSB Mainz were invited to the fireside chat.

The "fireside chats" held as part of the Executive MBA program are a special feature of the EMBA program that is particularly appreciated by the participants. Participants are offered several opportunities during their course of study to meet with high-ranking representatives of the corporate and public sectors. Afternoon courses are followed by a fireside chat by a guest, usually a member of a corporate, public or political organization; participants can enter into dialog with the guest and discuss the issue in question.  In some cases, course participants may also be invited to visit the business or public institution that the guest represents.

Previous fireside guests were the State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance in his then function as Co-Head of Germany at Goldman Sachs, Dr. Jörg Kukies, the Bishop of Mainz, Peter Kohlgraf, members of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank and various board members of renowned companies such as SCHOTT AG, Boehringer Ingelheim, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, PricewaterhouseCoopers Internationals etc.

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Festive farewell to the 20th Executive MBA anniversary graduate class of GSB

When the first Friday in September approaches, everyone at GSB - the Gutenberg School of Business - knows what is coming: The next Executive MBA graduate class has successfully completed the course and the festive farewell is on its way. In this particular year, the graduates of the 20th Executive MBA anniversary class gathered on September 3 in their gowns and caps on the great stone staircase in front of the old canteen building of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) for their joint valedictory photo.  The traditional tossing of the caps was also captured for the image, as 25 hats flew into a beautiful cloudless sky. Afterwards the participants celebrated their graduation. As the pandemic-related German 3G rule was still in force at the university, meaning only persons who had recovered, are vaccinated or tested are allowed in public spaces, diplomas had to be awarded in a rather modest setting by the official representatives of the Faculty of Law, Management and Economics and the GSB Mainz. The graduation ceremony was streamed live to a screen in a hall opposite so that relatives and friends of the graduates could be present in spirit if not in body.

After the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Management and Economics at JGU, Professor Euler, welcomed the graduates, Professor Andrej Gill congratulated the graduating class on behalf of the GSB on successfully acquiring their MBA degrees. For Gill, the 20th EMBA graduate class is particularly special because of the massive impact the coronavirus pandemic has had and the resulting determination needed by the group to cope with the situation - not only that but because it is the first class he has had the privilege of guiding from inception to graduation in his role as one of the academic directors.   With that in mind, he told ‘his’ graduating class in parting “to always retain an inquiring mind on your journeys to discover new horizons, do not take things for granted, and constantly question everything anew.”

The ceremonial address was given by the patron elected by the 20th class, Dr. Falko Hagebölling, a member of the executive board of IVU Traffic Technologies AG.  Back in February 2020, the participants had been very impressed by their fireside chat with Hagebölling, which is why they were all the more pleased that he accepted the opportunity to take on the role. In his speech he first congratulated ‘his’ graduate class on reaching this “significant milestone” and then shared his concept of what constitutes leadership with the audience: “Good leadership is not about self-aggrandizement, but about making one’s ego secondary to the goal and to the team. It’s about accepting that you are also a member of the team although you have a specific function. It may be you have a vitally important role, but yours is not the only vitally important role.” Hagebölling concluded by considering the question of whether to provide good leadership it is necessary to be a craftsman or be creative: “You don’t have to be a natural talent or be particularly inventive. What you have to do is master the tools of your trade, understand the principles and structures behind the related processes, practice these every day, employ them in a coordinated way and always be willing to continue to learn. [...] It is up to you graduates now to develop your own skills using the tools of the trade you have acquired and your academic background. Consider what you have learned as a treasure chest of experience from which you can draw that will help you develop, because you will face testing times ahead. Look at how these tools work for you and evolve your own personal leadership style. [...] Life in a leadership position offers tremendous potential for personal growth. But it also requires you to grow – never fall prey to the belief that those with an excellent leadership personality just pop up out of nowhere. You will find that there are few things more rewarding than having led a team to success and knowing that it was no accident.”

After a few words of greeting and the ceremonial address, diplomas were jointly presented to the graduates by Professor Euler, the two GSB academic directors and the class patron Herr Hagebölling.

The academic segment was capped off with some reminiscences of the class outlined by Katharina Heinz, Matthias Durner and Adwitiya Mittal on behalf of the graduates.

After the official program of the farewell ceremony, GSB invited the graduates and their families, friends and acquaintances to a champagne reception out of doors. Musical accompaniment at the reception was provided by Steven McGowan who performed several acoustic guitar classics.

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20 years of the Executive MBA at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz – GSB celebrates a major anniversary

2021 is a very special year in the history of the GSB - the Gutenberg School of Business Mainz. It was 20 years ago that the first Executive MBA class was launched at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and to date nearly 500 students have successfully acquired their MBA degrees here. Since the coronavirus pandemic has prevented any larger GSB events from taking place for over a year now, the management was all the more pleased to be able to welcome GSB members to the summer anniversary celebration at Gauls in Mainz-Laubenheim on Friday, August 27.

Professor Euler, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Management and Economics at JGU, welcomed the approximately 200 guests including alumni, active and future EMBA students, and lecturers from the program. As cornerstones for the success of the Mainz Executive MBA program, he emphasized the continuous development, the entire business school’s prestigious reputation and the close collaboration between all members that has generated an atmosphere of trust. He was followed by Professor Franz Rothlauf, one of the academic directors, who took the floor on behalf of the GSB and once again spoke of how impressed he was by the special “Spirit of Mainz”. It was the remarkable interaction at the GSB that had been the greatest incentive for him back in 2013 to take the place of Professor Hentschel in heading up the Executive MBA degree program. In his keynote speech, Fedor Ruhose, State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalization of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, referred in particular to the central importance of practice-based continuing education for executives as an indispensable element of responsible, targeted management and for the implementation of far-reaching transformation processes.

Fortunately, the imposition of strict coronavirus-related measures at the event did not detract from the festive and light-hearted atmosphere of the anniversary celebration. Alumni and current program participants were delighted to be finally able to greet each other again while the summery barbecue buffet, the local wines and the spacious festival tent made for a wonderful overall ambience. Thanks to the children’s program, even the younger guests certainly had a good time.

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GSB Mainz welcomes the 22 participants of the 22nd EMBA study year!

The 22nd cohort of students started their EMBA course program at GSB Mainz this Monday. In perfect weather the GSB Managing Director, Dr. Stefanie Best-Klossok welcomed the 22 students of the new class on the terrace of the Dekanatssaal. She urged participants to use the opening week primarily to get to know each other, as personal interaction is an essential part of the EMBA program.

After the official welcome, the participants had their first course of the Opening Week "Introduction to Business Thinking - Understanding and Innovating Business Models" with Dominik Maier.

At the end of the first course day, the students were invited to a welcome dinner at the Kupferbergterrassen in Mainz. Professor Andrej Gill used the opportunity to once again emphasize t GSB's goal with the EMBA program, namely to develop leaders. Leaders who are willing to take on responsibility and act responsibly in doing so. The aim is to train team players who are aware of their responsible role towards the employees, the company, society and the environment. The atmospheric ambience of the traditional Kupferbergterrassen provided a pleasant atmosphere to reflect on the impressions of the first course day and for personal conversations.


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Lehrpreis 2020 für herausragende Lehrleistungen der GSB Mainz

Das vergangene Jahr stellte für alle eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Dennoch ist es geglückt, das Lehrangebot an der GSB Mainz ohne Einschränkungen des Kursprogrammes durchzuführen. Trotz der außergewöhnlichen Umstände, die insbesondere organisatorische Anpassungen notwendig machten, wurden die Kurse auf exzellentem akademischen Niveau angeboten. Dies zeigt sich auch in den hervorragenden Beurteilungen der mit dem Lehrpreis 2020 der GSB für herausragende Lehrleistungen ausgezeichneten Dozenten. Der Lehrpreis wird jeweils für die drei besten Dozentenleistungen eines Jahres verliehen. Diese werden anhand der Ergebnisse der Kursevaluationen durch die aktuell studierenden Teilnehmenden der GSB ermittelt.

Aus den Gesamtnoten für die einzelnen Kurse gingen für 2020 Dr. Moritz Hämmerle (Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO), Dominik Maier (Orange Hills GmbH), Professor Daniel Schunk (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) als Lehrpreisträger hervor.

Wir freuen uns besonders, dass mit Dr. Moritz Hämmerle und Dominik Maier zwei Dozenten den Lehrpreis erhalten, die 2020 zum ersten Mal im Executive MBA-Studiengang mitgewirkt haben und Kurse besetzen, die im Rahmen der kontinuierlichen Entwicklung und Anpassung des Curriculums an die aktuellen Bedarfe der Teilnehmenden und ihrer Arbeitgeber neu in das Lehrprogramm mit aufgenommen wurden. Professor Daniel Schunk bietet seinen Kurs seit vielen Jahren sehr erfolgreich an.

Alle an der GSB durchgeführten Lehrveranstaltungen werden von den Teilnehmenden evaluiert. In den Evaluationsergebnissen spiegelt sich das hohe Niveau der Lehre innerhalb des Studienangebots wider: Im Durchschnitt bewerten die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer das Lehrprogramm mit einer sehr guten Note von 1,5. Mit nahezu perfekten Evaluationswerten nah an der 1,0, heben sich die drei Lehrpreisträger noch einmal von dem bereits sehr guten Durchschnitt ab.

Das dauerhaft aktualisierte Lehrangebot und die sehr guten Leistungen der Dozenten tragen maßgeblich zu dem Erfolg in der Fach- und Führungskräfteausbildung der GSB Mainz bei. Dies zeigt sich in zunehmendem Maße auch durch die Weiterempfehlung der Studienprogramme von Alumni und aktuell studierenden Teilnehmenden.

Für das neue Jahr wünschen sich die Verantwortlichen der GSB mit den Dozierenden und den Teilnehmenden neben allen digitalen Möglichkeiten möglichst bald wieder persönlich in den Präsenzformaten der GSB an der Universität Mainz zusammenzukommen.

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